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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

Gerri Howard

270 opd 6 2011
Ojibwe Name: Niingaabii’anook
English Name: Gerri Howard
Community: Cha-cha-bah-ning
Region: Leech Lake

Ningaabii’anook indizhinikaanigoo. Jaachaabaaning indoonjii. Awaazisii indoodem. Niwiidookaage imaa Nigaane gikinoo’amaadiiwigamigong. Ajina ingii-wiidookaage imaa Waawaashkeshii-Ziibii Ishpi-gikininoo’amaadiiwigamigong. Miinawaa imaa Nagaajiwanong Ojibwemotaadidaa Gabeshiwining. Niwiidookawaanaanig gebe-gikendaasowaad. Geyaabi indoojibwem bezhig indinawemaagan indoojibwemotaadimin apane mii wenji-minjimendamaan ojibwemoyaan. Ingii-kwiinawendaan ojibwemoyaan gaa-onji-maadanokiiyaan imaa Niigaane. Gaawiin ingii-ojibwemotawasiig niniijaanisag dibishkoo indashenige gikinoo’amawaasiwagwaa niniijaanisag. Eko-niizhing miinawaa eko-nising niwiidookawaa a’aw gekinoo’amaaged. Mii sa go iw.

My clan is the awaazisii (bullhead) and I am an elder in my community. I grew up in the Cha-cha-bah-ning community on the Leech Lake Reservation. I am an Ojibwe language teacher at the Niigaane immersion school, and have helped at a weekly language table at the Deer River High School.

My language stays alive because I have a relative I grew up with and we both teach the language and speak only Ojibwe with each other.

In order to speak my language I went to work helping others learn. And I do it because I never taught my children. I work with the teacher of 2nd and 3rd grade students.