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/-a'ooN/ final

move h/ by medium, by boat
anima'oozh vta take h/ away by boat
aawada'oozh vta haul h/ by boat
aazhawa'oozh vta take h/ across by boat; ferry h/ across
babaama'oozh vta transport h/ around (especially by boat)
bagama'oozh vta arrive transporting h/ (especially by boat)
bima'oozh vta take h/ along in a boat; pole h/ along in a boat
biida'oozh vta bring h/ here by boat
desaakwa'oozh vta transport h/ on top of something on the water
giiwe'oozh vta transport h/ home by boat
ina'oozh vta take h/ to a certain place by boat
naada'oozh vta go to get h/ by boat
niminaawa'oozh vta take h/ out into the lake (by paddling, etc.)
onda'oozh vta transport h/ from a certain place [especially in a boat]