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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/aabitaw-/ initial

aabitoo, aabita
aabitawagaam adv loc halfway across the lake
aabitawaginzo vai [BL] it is at or near the middle of the month; it is the fifteenth (of the month)
aabitawam vta eat half of h/
aabitawandan vti eat half of it
aabitawangizo vai it is at or near the middle of the month; it is the fifteenth (of the month)
aabitawazhe vai s/he uses half of the blanket
aabitawaabik na a half-dollar
aabitawaabikizi vai
  1. s/he is half (as something mineral)
  2. it (the moon) is a half-moon
aabitawaasige vai there is a first-quarter or last-quarter moon
aabitawigaad adv loc halfway up a leg
aabitawikana adv loc halfway on the road or trail
aabitawise vii it is Wednesday
aabitawoonag adv loc halfway down a canoe or boat
aabitoobadoon vti2 fill it half full (with liquid)
aabitoobazh vta fill h/ half full (with liquid)
aabitoobii vai s/he is half full (of liquid)
aabitoobii vii
  1. it is half full (of liquid)
  2. it (a liquid) fills something half-full
aabitoose vii it is Wednesday
aabitooshkin adv num half a bag
aabitooshkinadoon vti2 [S] fill it half full (with solids)
aabitooshkina' vta fill h/ half full (with solids)
aabitooshkinatoon vti2 [RL] fill it half full (with solids)
aabitooshkine vai s/he is half full (of solids); s/he fills something half full
aabitooshkine vii it is half full (of solids)