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/-aajiwan-/ medial

flow of liquid
dagwaajiwanz vti add h/ to something boiling (such as your soup)
dagwaajiwanzan vti add it to something boiling (such as your soup)
danaajiwanzan vti boil it in a certain place
madweyaajiwande vii it is heard boiling
madweyaajiwanzo vai s/he (a kettle) is heard boiling
naawaajiwan adv loc in the middle of the current or the rapids
nisawaajiwan adv loc in the middle of the rapids
ogidaajiwan adv loc upstream
ziigaajiwande vii it boils over
ziigaajiwanz vta let h/ boil over
ziigaajiwanzo vai it (animate, e.g. a kettle) boils over