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/-aakigan-/ medial

body part
dewaakigan vai [C] [S] s/he has chest pain; h/ chest aches
dewaakigane vai [N] s/he has chest pain; h/ chest aches
gidagaakigane vai s/he has a spotted chest
miskwaakigane vai s/he has a red chest, is red-breasted
mitaakigane vai s/he is bare-chested, is bare-breasted
miishaakigan vai [S] he has a hairy chest
miishaakigane vai [N] he has a hairy chest
naawaakigan adv loc in the middle of someone's chest
ozaawaakigane vai s/he has a yellow or brown chest, is yellow-breasted
waabijiiyaakigane vai s/he has a grey chest, is grey-breasted
waabishkaakigane vai s/he has a white chest, is white-breasted
wiinaakigane vai s/he has a dirty chest
zhiiwaakigane vai s/he has heartburn