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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-aanikw-/ medial

body part
babiizigaanikwe vai s/he has curly hair
bengwaanikwe vai s/he has dry hair
binaanikwe vai h/ hair falls out; h/ loses hair
biisaanikwe vai s/he has fine hair
dadaakwaanikwe vai s/he has short hair
daswaanikwe vai s/he has so many hairs (on h/ head)
dazhwaanikwe vai s/he has straight hair
gagaanwaanikwe vai s/he has long hair
gipagaanikwe vai s/he has thick hair
inaanikwe vai s/he has such hair
minwaanikwe vai s/he has nice hair
nibiiwaanikwe vai s/he has wet hair
ozaawaanikwe vai [BL]
  1. s/he has yellow or brown hair
  2. s/he is blond
wiinaanikwe vai [BL] s/he has dirty hair