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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-aaso/ final

s/he performs useful action
agindaaso vai s/he counts; s/he reads
animaawadaaso vai s/he hauls a load, hauls freight away (in the other direction)
animiwidaaso vai s/he carries a load away, hauls freight away
ataaso vai s/he stores something
ataason vai + o s/he stores (it)
aawadaaso vai s/he hauls a load, hauls freight
bagamiwidaaso vai s/he arrives carrying a load, arrives hauling freight
bimiwidaaso vai s/he carries a load along, hauls freight along
biijiwidaaso vai s/he carries a load here, hauls freight here
boozitaaso vai s/he loads cargo
gopiwidaaso vai s/he hauls a load inland
inaawadaaso vai s/he hauls a load to a certain place
izhiwidaaso vai s/he carries a load to a certain place, hauls freight to a certain place
maadaawadaaso vai s/he starts to haul freight away
maajiidaaso vai s/he hauls a load away
mookodaaso vai s/he carves, whittles, planes (wood)
naada'oodaaso vai s/he goes to haul things by boat
naadaaso vai s/he goes after things
naazibiiwidaaso vai s/he hauls something down to the water
ondaawadaaso vai s/he hauls a load, hauls freight from a certain place
onjiwidaaso vai s/he carries a load from a certain place, hauls freight from a certain place
zhawendaaso vai s/he is loving and kind, gives uncondiitonal love