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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-aawang-/ medial

fine particle, sand
andwaawanga' vta look for h/ in the sand or ashes
andwaawanga'an vti look for it in the sand or ashes
bimaawangad vii it is powdered, is a powder
bimaawangizi vai s/he is powdered, is a powder
biindigeyaawangishkige vai s/he tracks sand inside
biiwaawangisin vii it (something fine) is scattered, is dispersed
biiwaawangishin vai it (something fine) is scattered, is dispersed
biiwaawangiwebin vta scatter h/ (somethine fine)
biiwaawangiwebinan vti scatter it (something fine)
gizhaawangide vii it is hot sand
makadewaawangad vii it (something granular) is black, is dark
maadadaawangose vai s/he starts walking on the beach
mitaawangaa vii it is a sandy beach
mitaawangaamikaa vii there is a sandy bottom
neyaawangaa vii it is a sandy point