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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/ab-/ initial

abaabas vta smudge, cense h/
abaabasan vti smudge, cense it
abaabikiz vta warm it (animate; mineral), heat it (animate; mineral) up
abaabikizan vti warm it (mineral), heat it (mineral) up
abaagamide vii it (a liquid) warms up, is warm, is lukewarm
abaagamizan vti warm it (as a liquid)
abaaso vai s/he warms up in the sun
abaate vii it warms up (of the weather)
abaawiganezo vai s/he warms h/ (own) back
abide vii it warms up, is warmed at a fire or stove
abininjiizo vai s/he warms h/ (own) hands
abiz vta warm h/ at the fire
abizan vti warm it at the fire
abizidezo vai s/he warms h/ (own) foot or feet
abizidezwi vta warm h/ foot or feet
abizo vai s/he warms up at the fire or stove
abiigiz vta warm h/ at fire (as something sheet-like)
abiigizan vti warm it (something sheet-like) at a fire