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/agwaa-/ initial

off or out of water or open area
agwaaba'idiwag vai they run ashore together
agwaabatoo vai s/he runs ashore
agwaabide vii it drives, speeds to shore
agwaabidoon vti2 pull it partway up on or into something
agwaabizh vta pull h/ ashore, pull h/ from the water
agwaabizo vai s/he drives, speeds to shore
agwaabiidaabaadan vti drag it out of the water, drag it ashore
agwaabiidaabaazh vta drag h/ out of the water, drag h/ ashore
agwaabiiga' vta take h/ off the water using something
agwaabiiga'an vti take it off the water using something
agwaabiigin vta take h/ off the water, take h/ off the fire
agwaabiiginan vti take it off the water; take it off the fire
agwaabii' vta scoop h/ out of the water, take h/ out of the water using something
agwaabii'an vti scoop it out of the water, take it out of the water using something
agwaadaabaadan vti drag it ashore
agwaadaabaazh vta drag h/ ashore
agwaadaabii vai s/he drags or pulls a load ashore
agwaagwaashkwani vai s/he jumps ashore
agwaa' vta take h/ off the water or fire (using something), take h/ out of the pot (using something), dip h/ out
agwaa'amaazo vai s/he comes ashore singing
agwaa'an vti take it off the water or fire (using something); take it out of the pot (using something)
agwaa'o vai s/he lands, comes ashore in a boat
agwaa'oodoon vti2 take it ashore, take it off a boat or vehicle, unload it off something
agwaakawe vai s/he leaves tracks coming ashore
agwaakwazhiwe vai s/he paddles ashore
agwaanizhikaw vta chase h/ ashore
agwaasidoon vti2 take it ashore, take it off a boat or vehicle, unload it off something
agwaashim vta take h/ ashore, take h/ off a boat or vehicle, unload h/ off something; take h/ off the fire
agwaashkiiga'am vai2 s/he comes off a maskeg or swamp
agwaataa vai s/he goes ashore, comes ashore
agwaaweba' vta get h/off the water using something forcefully
agwaaweba'an vti get it off the water using something forcefully
agwaawebin vta throw h/ out of the water
agwaawebinan vti throw it out of the water
agwaawidoon vti2 carry, take it ashore
agwaawizh vta carry, take h/ ashore
agwaayaabogo vai s/he drifts ashore in the current
agwaayaadagaa vai s/he swims ashore
agwaayaadagaako vai s/he goes ashore on ice
agwaayaadagaazii vai s/he wades ashore
agwaayaadage vai [BL] s/he swims to shore
agwaayaa'an vii it drifts ashore on the waves
agwaayaa'ogo vai s/he drifts ashore on the waves
agwaayaako vai s/he comes ashore off the ice
agwaayaasin vii it is blown ashore (by the wind); sails ashore
agwaayaashi vai s/he is blown ashore (by the wind); sails ashore
agwaayaashkaa vii waves come ashore
agwaayoode vai s/he crawls ashore
agwaayoom vta carry, take h/ shore on the back
agwaayoondan vti carry, take it ashore on the back