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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-aji/ final

s/he is cold, is affected by the cold; is frozen
A variant -waji appears after medials ending in -e.
agozigwaji vai s/he gets frozen to the ice
agwaji vai s/he is frozen onto something
agwaakwaji vai s/he is frozen onto something
amadaji vai s/he wakes up from being cold
apiitaji vai s/he is so cold
baasaakwaji vai s/he (something stick-like or solid) cracks from the cold
bibagaakwaji vai s/he freezes thin, is frozen thin
biindigewaji vai s/he enters, comes inside, goes inside nearly frozen
biingeji vai s/he feels cold
dakaji vai s/he gets a chill, has a cold
gawaji vai s/he is so cold s/he can't move, freezes to death
gibaakwaji vai s/he freezes shut, is frozen shut
gipagaakwaji vai s/he freezes thick, is frozen thick
madweyaakwaji vai s/he is heard cracking from the cold, e.g. a tree, ice
mashkawaji vai s/he freezes stiff, is frozen stiff, has frostbite
mashkawaakwaji vai s/he freezes stiff, is frozen stiff, has frostbite
miiwaji vai s/he can't stand the cold
mookwaji vai s/he cries from being cold
nigiigwaji vai s/he is frosted
nigiigwaabikaji vai s/he (rock or something of metal) is frosted
ningiigwaji vai s/he is frosted
wakewaji vai s/he can't take being cold, gets chilled easily
zaagizigwaji vai it (animate) sticks out of the ice
zhiibaji vai s/he can withstand the cold, endures the cold