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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-amanji'o/ final

s/he feels (h/ own sensation)
ayekomanji'o vai s/he feels tired
ayekwamanji'o vai s/he feels tired
dakamanji'o vai s/he is chilled, feels cold
giikadamanji'o vai s/he feels the cold, feels the chill
giizhoomanji'o vai s/he feels warm
inamanji'o vai s/he feels a certain way
jiikamanji'o vai s/he feels real good, feels happy
maakamanji'o vai s/he feels an injury
maanamanji'o vai s/he feels bad, feels out of sorts, is depressed; s/he is in poor health, is ill
minomanji'o vai s/he feels good, is in good health
minwamanji'o vai s/he feels good, is in good health
mookamanji'o vai s/he feels an illness coming on
ziimamanji'o vai s/he feels unwell, doesn't feel too good