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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-anow-/ medial

body part
baaganowe vai s/he has h/ cheek or cheeks swell up, has a swollen cheek or swollen cheeks
biinisanowe vai s/he has a numb cheek or numb cheeks
gagiipanowe vai s/he has chapped cheeks
mamaanganowe vai s/he has big cheeks
miskwanowe vai s/he has a red cheek or red cheeks
miskwiiwanowe vai s/he has a bloody cheek
miishanowe vai s/he has a hairy cheek or hairy cheeks
ojiishanowe vai s/he has a scar on h/ cheek
ojiishiganowe vai s/he has a scar on h/ cheek
oziiganowe vai s/he has wriinkled cheeks
wiinanowe vai s/he has a dirty cheek or dirty cheeks