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/-apizo/ final

s/he is tied; is dressed
agwapizo vai s/he is attached by being tied on
aapidapizo vai s/he is tied securely, tied for good
baapasapizo vai s/he is tied, bound tight
bezhigoopizo vai one (animate) is tied, is hitched
binangwapizo vai s/he is tied loosely
dagwapizo vai s/he is tied with something else
dasoopizowag vai a certain number of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together
gashkapizo vai s/he is tied shut, is tied up in a bundle
gashkiigapizo vai s/he is wrapped up and tied
gashkiiwiingwepizo vai s/he is blindfolded
giizhoopizo vai s/he is wrapped up warm
ikwapizo vai s/he is tied up higher, out of the way
inapizo vai s/he is tied a certain way
mamaanjigogaadepizo vai s/he is restrained by h/ legs being tied
mamaanjigonikepizo vai s/he is restrained by h/ feet being tied
mamaanjigozidepizo vai s/he is restrained by h/ feet being tied
mamaanjigwapizo vai s/he is bound securely; s/he is restrained by being tied
mashkawapizo vai s/he is tied tight
maanapizo vai s/he is poorly tied
midaasoopizowag vai ten of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together
minjimapizo vai s/he is tied down
naanoopizowag vai five of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together
nisoopidewan vii three of them (inanimate) are tied together
nisoopizowag vai three of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together
nishwaasoopizowag vai eight of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together
niizhoopizowag vai two of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together
okwapizo vai s/he is tied in a bunch
onapizo vai s/he is tied in place, is harnessed
wiinapizo vai s/he wears dirty clothes
zagapizo vai s/he is tied on, towed, hitched
zhaangasoopizowag vai nine of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together