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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/ashid-/ initial

up against
ashidagaam adv loc right up against the shore
ashidaakobidoon vti2 push it against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)
ashidaakobizh vta push h/ against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)
ashidaakogaabawi vai s/he stands against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)
ashidaakon vta hold h/ against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)
ashidaakonan vti hold it against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)
ashidaakosidoon vti2 put it against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)
ashidaakosin vii it lies against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)
ashidaakoshim vta put h/ against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)
ashidaakoshin vai s/he lies against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)
ashidaakowebin vta fling, shove h/ against a wall or tree
ashidaakowebinan vti fling, shove it against a wall or tree
ashidaakwabi vai s/he sits against the wall or a tree
ashidaamik adv loc right on the bottom (of a body of water)
ashidin vta hold h/ against something
ashidinan vti hold it against something
ashijigaabawi vai s/he stands right against something