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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-ba'idi/ final

run together (in a group)
contains a vta final -ba'- run h/ and vai reciprocal final -idi-
agwaaba'idiwag vai they run ashore together
akwaandaweba'idiwag vai they climb up in a rush together
animiba'idiwag vai they run away (in the other direction) together
animweweba'idiwag vai they are heard running away (in the other direction) together
apa'idiwag vai they run to a certain place together
aazhooba'idiwag vai they run across together
babaamiba'idiwag vai they run about together, run around together
babaamweweba'idiwag vai they are heard running about together
bagamiba'idiwag vai they arrive together running
bakobiiba'idiwag vai they run into the water together
bimiba'idiwag vai they run along together
bimweweba'idiwag vai they are heard running along together
biidweweba'idiwag vai they are heard coming together
biijiba'idiwag vai they run here together
gizhiiba'idiwag vai they run fast together
gopiba'idiwag vai they run inland together
inweweba'idiwag vai they are heard running to a certain place together
madaabiiba'idiwag vai they run down to the water together
nibaadweweba'idiwag vai they make a racket scurrying around together
ondweweba'idiwag vai they are heard running from a certain place together
onjiba'idiwag vai they run from a certain place together
zaagiziba'idiwag vai they run out together