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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-ba'igo/ final

s/he rides drawn by horses or dogs
animiba'igo vai s/he rides away, drives away (drawn by horse or dog)
babaamiba'igo vai s/he rides about, drives about (drawn by horse or dog)
bimiba'igo vai s/he rides along, drives along (drawn by horse or dog)
biijiba'igo vai s/he rides here, drives here (drawn by horse or dog)
giiweba'igo vai s/he rides home, drives home (drawn by horse or dog)
gopiba'igo vai s/he rides inland, drives inland (drawn by horse or dog)
ipa'igo vai s/he rides to a certain place, drives to a certain place (drawn by horse or dog)
izhiba'igo vai s/he rides to a certain place, drives to a certain place (drawn by horse or dog)
maajidaabiiba'igo vai s/he drives off in a wagon
maajiiba'igo vai s/he rides off, drives off (drawn by horse or dog)
onjiba'igo vai s/he rides from a certain place, drives from a certain place (drawn by horse or dog)