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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/badak-/ initial

prick, pierce
badaka' vta
  1. stick h/ with something sharp, prick h/, use a fork on h/
  2. give h/ an injection, a shot
badaka'an vti stick it (with something sharp), prick it, use a fork on it
badakakiiwebinan vti throw it sticking into the ground
badakaakose vai it (animate) sticks in wood
badakaakose vii it sticks in wood
badakaakosidoon vti2 stick it in wood
badakaakosin vii it sticks in wood
badakaakoshim vta stick h/ in wood
badakaakoshin vai s/he sticks in wood
badakibidoon vti2 hook, grab onto it (with something sharp)
badakibizh vta hook, grab onto h/ (with something sharp)
badakidoondaneshin vai s/he steps on something sharp and pricks h/ heel
badakininjiishin vai h/ hand is stuck by something sharp
badakise vai s/he falls on or hits something and sticks into it
badakise vii it falls on or hits something and sticks into it
badakisidoon vti2 stick, set it in something; plant it in the ground
badakisin vii it sticks into something, sticks out of something
badakishim vta stick, set h/ in something; plant h/ in the ground
badakishin vai s/he sticks into, sticks out of something
badakizideshin vai s/he steps on something sharp which sticks in h/ foot