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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/bagask-/ initial

hit against with a splat or slapping sound
bagaskaadagaazii vai s/he wades splashing through the water
bagaskidiye' vta slap h/ on the rear
bagaskimisade' vta slap h/ on the stomach making a slapping sound
bagaskindibe' vta club h/ on the head
bagaskise vii it falls and lands with a splat
bagaskise vai s/he falls and lands with a splat
bagaskisin vii it makes a splat hitting something or falling
bagaskishin vai s/he makes a splat hitting something or falling
bagaskiingweganaam vta smack h/ on the face
bagaskiingwe' vta slap h/ on the face making a slapping sound