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/bagw-/ initial

have a hole
bagoganaam vta punch a hole in h/ (by hitting)
bagogidigweshin vai s/he wears a hole at h/ knee
bagosagandan vti chew a hole in it (board)
bagosidoon vti2 make a hole in it (by dropping or hitting)
bagosin vii [BG] [BL] it gets a hole in it (on impact)
bagoshim vta make a hole in h/ or it (animate) (by dropping or hitting)
bagoshkan vti wear a hole in it (with foot or body)
bagoshkaw vta wear a hole in h/ (with foot or body)
bagoshkaa vai it (animate) has a hole, gets a hole in it
bagoshkaa vii it has a hole, gets a hole (in it)
bagoshkoode vii it has a hole (from weight or pressure)
bagoshkoodoon vti2 make hole in it (by weight or pressure)
bagoshkoozh vta make hole in h/ (by weight or pressure)
bagozh vta cut a hole in h/ or it (animate)
bagozhan vti cut a hole in it
bagooneshin vai s/he puts a hole in h/ boat by hitting something
bagwakizineshin vai s/he wears a hole in h/ shoe or moccasin
bagwam vta chew a hole in h/
bagwanad vii it has a hole from rotting
bagwandan vti chew a hole in it
bagwanem vta chew a hole in h/
bagwanendan vti chew a hole in it
bagwaabikishkaa vii it (something mineral or metal) has a hole, gets a hole (in it)
bagwaakide vii it has a hole burned in it
bagwaakiz vta burn a hole in h/
bagwaakizan vti burn a hole in it
bagwaakizo vai s/he has a hole burned in h/
bagwaasin vii it is blown open (with a hole in it)
bagwaashi vai s/he is blown open (with a hole in h/)
bagwegad vii it (something sheet-like) has a hole in it
bagwega' vta make a hole in it (animate, sheet-like) with something
bagwegisin vii it (sheet-like) gets a hole in it (from hitting something)
bagwegishkaa vai it (animate, sheet-like) has a hole, gets a hole (in it)
bagwegishkaa vii it (sheet-like) has a hole, gets a hole (in it)
bagwegizh vta cut a hole in it (animate, sheet-like)
bagwegizhan vti cut a hole in it (sheet-like)
bagwegizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) has a hole in h/