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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/bake-/ initial

off to the side, diverge
bakebatoo vai s/he runs off to the side, off the main path
bakebide vii it speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path; it drives off to the side
bakebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path
bakedaabii vai s/he drags or pulls a load off to the the side, off the main path
bakediyeni vai s/he moves h/ butt to the side
bakegamaa vii lake goes off from another
bakegaabawi vai s/he stands or steps off to the the side, off the main path
bakegwaashkwani vai s/he jumps off to the side, off the main path
bake'adoo vai s/he goes off the main path
bake'amii vai s/he steps to the side (off the main way)
bakejiwan vii it flows off to the side
bakekwazhiwe vai s/he paddles off to the side
bakemon vii it (road or trail) leads off to the side, is a side road
bakenizhikaw vta [N] chase h/ off the main path or road
baketigweyaa vii it (a river) goes off to the side, is a tributary
bakewebin vta throw h/ off to the side, off the main path
bakewebinan vti throw it off to the side, off the main path
bakewebishkan vti kick it off to the side, off the main path
bakewebishkaw vta kick h/ off to the side, off the main path