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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/bakobii-/ initial

into the water
bakobiiba'idiwag vai they run into the water together
bakobiiba'iwe vai s/he flees running into the water
bakobiibatoo vai s/he runs into the water
bakobiibide vii it falls, drives, plunges into the water
bakobiibizo vai s/he falls, drives, plunges into the water
bakobiidaabaadan vti drag it into the water
bakobiidaabaazh vta drag h/ into the water
bakobiidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives into the water
bakobiigwaashkwani vai s/he jumps into the water
bakobii' vta put h/ into the water (using something)
bakobii'an vti put it into the water (using something)
bakobiimon vii it (road or trail) leads into the water
bakobiininjiini vai s/he puts h/ hand in the water
bakobiinizhikaw vta drive, chase h/ into the water
bakobiise vii it falls, flies into the water
bakobiise vai s/he falls, flies into the water
bakobiiwebin vta throw h/ into the water
bakobiiwebinan vti throw it into the water
bakobiiwebishkan vti kick, shove it into the water (with foot or body)
bakobiiwebishkaw vta kick, shove h/ into the water (with foot or body)
bakobiiyaabiigamon vii it (string-like) leads into the water
bakobiiyaasin vii it is blown into the water
bakobiiyaashi vai s/he is blown into the water (by the wind)
bakobiizideni vai s/he puts h/ foot in the water