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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/besh-/ initial

line, stripe
beshaa vii it has a line, has a stripe
beshaakwanashkidii vai s/he (a bird) has a striped tail
beshaanowe vai s/he has a stripe on h/ tail
beshaawigane vai [N] s/he has a stripe on h/ back
beshaawiganezh vta cut h/ on h/ back
beshibii' vta mark h/ with a stripe
beshibii'an vti mark it with a line or stripe
beshidaamikaneshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ chin or jaw
beshidooneshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ mouth
beshigaadeshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ leg
beshinikeshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ arm
beshininjiishin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ hand
beshizh vta make a cut on h/
beshizhan vti make a cut on it
beshizi vai s/he has a line, has a stripe
beshizideshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ foot
beshiigad vii it (something sheet-like) has a stripe, a mark
beshiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) has a stripe, has a line
beshiingweshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ face