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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-bii-/ medial

liquid, water, slush
agwaabiidaabaadan vti drag it out of the water, drag it ashore
agwaabiidaabaazh vta drag h/ out of the water, drag h/ ashore
agwaabii' vta scoop h/ out of the water, take h/ out of the water using something
agwaabii'an vti scoop it out of the water, take it out of the water using something
bakwebiigamise vii it becomes turbid, roiled, or muddy (water)
bashkobiis vta scald h/ removing hair or feathers
bashkobiisan vti scald it removing hair or feathers
dimibiiyaa vii the slush is deep
gwaashkwebiigamitoo vai s/he is heard spashing
iska'ibii vai s/he bails
ishpibiiyaa vii slush comes up over the snow on the ice
mamadwebiigamitoo vai s/he makes noise in the water
mazinaatebiisin vii it is reflected in the water
mookibiibidoon vti2 pull it up to surface of the water
mookibiibizh vta pull h/ up to the surface of the water
ozhaashibiiyaa vii it is slippery from a liquid
zaagibiise vai s/he pops up out of the water
zaagibiise vii it pops up out of the water
ziigibiise vii it overflows; it (a container) spills, spills out
ziigibiise vai s/he overflows; s/he (a container) spills, spills out