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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/biind-/ initial

in, into, inside
biinj , biinz
biinda'oozh vta put h/ in a case or narrow opening; thread h/
biindakade'an vti load it with gunpowder
biindaabaawazh vta give h/ an enema
biindaabaawazo vai s/he gets an enema
biindaabika' vta [BL] bake h/ in an oven
biindaabika'an vti [BL] bake, roast it in the oven
biindaabikibidoon vti shift it (a car)
biindaabikibizh vta shift h/ (a car)
biindaabikin vta put h/ in the oven
biindaabikinan vti put it in oven
biindaabikiwebin vta throw h/ into an incinerator or stove; shove h/ into a metal container
biindaabikiwebinan vti throw it in an incinerator or stove; shove it into a metal container
biindaa'an vii it gets water splashed in it by the waves
biindaanikaan adv loc in a pit
biindaanimad vii the wind blows in
biindige vai s/he enters, goes inside / indoors, comes inside / indoors
biindikomaan ni a knife sheath or case
biindikweni vai s/he sticks h/ head in
biindoode vai s/he crawls in
biindoonag adv loc in a canoe, boat
biindooneganaandan vti hit it into a boat
biindoone' vta put h/ inside a boat
biindoone'an vti put it inside a boat
biindoonetaa vai s/he ducks down into the canoe or boat
biindooneweba'an vti knock it into the boat (using something), thresh it (wild rice) into the boat
biinjibadoon vti2 put liquid in it
biinjibide vii it drives, speeds, flies, falls in
biinjibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, falls in
biinjidaabaan adv loc in a car
biinjidenaniweni vai s/he sticks h/ tongue into something
biinjidenigomeshin vai s/he gets poked in the nose by something
biinjidoon adv loc inside the mouth
biinjigoneweshin vai s/he gets poked in the mouth by something
biinjigwaashkwani vai s/he jumps in
biinjijaanzh adv loc inside the nose
biinjijiwan vii it flows in
biinjimisad adv loc in the stomach
biinjinaagan adv loc in a dish
biinjinikeni vai s/he reaches h/ arm in, sticks h/ arm in
biinjininjiini vai s/he puts h/ hand or finger in
biinjipwaagan adv loc in a pipe
biinjise vii it flies, falls in
biinjise vai s/he flies, falls in
biinjisheyaabaawe vai s/he gets water in h/ ear
biinjishkiinzhig adv loc in the eye
biinjitawag adv loc inside an ear
biinjitawageshin vai s/he gets poked in the ear by something
biinjiweba' vta shove h/ in using something
biinjiweba'an vti shove it in (using something)
biinjiwebishkan vti kick it in, shove it in (with foot or body)
biinjiwebishkaw vta kick h/ in, shove h/ in (with foot or body)
biinjizhaazo vai s/he pees into something
biinjizideni vai s/he puts h/ foot in
biinjizidese vai h/ foot slips in, slides in
biinjwebin vta throw h/ in
biinjwebinan vti
  1. throw it in
  2. cast it (a vote or ballot)
biinjwebishkan vti kick it in, shove it in (with foot or body); shove it in (with foot or body)
biinjwebishkaw vta kick h/ in, shove h/ in (with foot or body); shove h/ in (with foot or body)
biinzaabam vta look in at or into, peek in at h/
biinzaabandan vti look in at or into, peek in at it
biinzaabi vai s/he looks in, peeks in