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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/biinis-/ initial

without sensation, spontaneously
biinisanowe vai s/he has a numb cheek or numb cheeks
biinisaa vii it is plain, bland, numb, flavorless, without sensation
biinisidaamikane vai s/he has a numb chin or jaw
biinisidiye vai s/he has a numb rear
biinisidoon vai [S] s/he has numb lips
biinisidoone vai [N] s/he has numb lips
biinisigaade vai s/he has a numb leg or numb legs
biinisimaagozi vai s/he smells bland
biinisimaagwad vii it smells bland
biinisinike vai s/he has a numb arm or numb arms
biinisininjii vai s/he has a numb hand or numb hands
biinisipogozi vai s/he is tasteless
biinisipogwad vii it is tasteless
biinisitawage vai s/he has a numb ear or numb ears
biinisizekwe vai h/ cooking is bland, is unflavored
biinisizi vai s/he is plain, bland, numb, flavorless, without sensation
biinisizide vai s/he has numb foot or numb feet
biinisiingwe vai s/he has a numb face