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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/bin-/ initial

down from above
binadowe vai s/he (an animal) loses fur, sheds
bina' vta take h/ down
bina'an vti take it down
binaabide vai h/ tooth falls out
binaabigwanii vai it's flower falls
binaagone'an vti get snow down off it (using something)
binaagonese vai it (animate) has snow falling off it
binaagoneyaasin vii it has snow blowing down off it
binaagoneyaashi vai s/he, it (animate) has snow blown down off h/, it
binaakwe' vta comb h/
binaakwii vai it (a tree) has its leaves fall
binaandawe vai s/he falls down climbing
binaanikwe vai h/ hair falls out; h/ loses hair
binaasin vii it is blown down off something (by the wind)
binaashi vai s/he is blown down off something (by the wind)
binibidoon vti2 pull or push it down (from its position above)
binibizh vta pull or push h down (from h/ position above)
binigwane vai s/he (a bird) drops feathers, moults
binigwaashkwani vai s/he jumps down off something
biningwaam vai [S] s/he falls out of bed in h/ sleep
biningwaamo vai [BL] s/he falls out of bed in h/ sleep
biniweba' vta knock h/ down from above (using something); shoot h/ down from above
biniweba'an vti knock it down from above (using something)
biniwebam vta knock h/ down with mouth, bite h/ so h/ comes down
biniwebandan vti knock it down with mouth, bite it so it comes down
biniwebaasin vii it is blown down from above
biniwebaashi vai s/he is blown down from above
biniwebishkan vti knock it down from its position above (with force by body or foot)
biniwebishkaw vta knock h/ down from h/ position above (with force by body or foot)