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/bookw-/ initial

broken, broken in two (esp. of stick-like objects)
bookobidoon vti2 break it in two (with hands)
bookobizh vta break h/ in two (with hands)
bookoboodoon vti2 saw it in two
bookoboozh vta saw h/ in two
bookodoondaneshin vai s/he falls and breaks her heel
bookodoone vai s/he stops talking abruptly
bookoga' vta chop h/ breaking h/ in two
bookoga'an vti chop it breaking it in half
bookoganaam vta break h/ in two (by hitting)
bookoganaandan vti break it in two (by hitting)
bookogane vai s/he has a broken bone
bookoganeshin vai s/he falls and breaks a bone
bookogaade vai s/he breaks h/ (own) leg, has a broken leg
bookogaadeshin vai s/he falls and break h/ leg
bookogidigweshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ kneecap
bookogwebizh vta wring h/ neck
bookogweshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ neck
bookojaane vai s/he has a broken nose
bookojaaneshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ nose
bookojiibidoon vti2 break, tear it (body or something bag-like) in two
bookojiibizh vta break, tear h/ (as a body or something bag-like) in two
bookonike vai s/he breaks h/ (own) arm, has a broken arm
bookonikeshin vai s/he falls and break h/ arm
bookoningwii vai s/he breaks h/ wing, has a broken wing
bookoningwiishin vai s/he breaks h/ wing falling or hitting against
bookoninjii vai s/he breaks h/ hand, has a broken hand
bookoninjiishin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ hand
bookoshkan vti break it in two (by foot or body)
bookoshkaw vta break h/ in two (by foot or body)
bookoshkaa vii it breaks in two, is broken in two
bookoshkaa vai s/he breaks in two, is broken in two
bookozide vai s/he breaks h/ foot, has broken foot
bookozideshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ foot
bookwaboye vai s/he breaks a paddle
bookwam vta bite h/ in two
bookwandan vti bite it in two
bookwaabide vai s/he has a broken tooth, breaks h/ tooth
bookwaabideshin vai s/he falls and breaks a tooth or teeth
bookwaabik ni piece of metal
bookwaagime vai s/he breaks h/ snowshoe
bookwaanowebizh vta snap off h/ tail
bookwaasin vii it breaks in two in the wind
bookwaashi vai s/he breaks in two in the wind
bookwaawigane vai s/he has a broken back, breaks h/ back, is hunchbacked
bookwaawiganebizh vta break h/ back (with hands)
bookwaawiganeshin vai s/he falls and break h/ back