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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/bwaaw-/ initial

unable, fail
bwaawane vai s/he is hardly able to carry a pack
bwaawaakide vii it doesn't burn, is unable to burn
bwaawaakiz vta be unable to burn, unable to light h/
bwaawaakizan vti be unable to burn, unable to light it
bwaawaakizo vai s/he doesn't burn, is unable to burn
bwaawibide vii it is unable to drive, unable to run or operate
bwaawibidoon vti2 have trouble pulling it; be unable to pull it
bwaawibizh vta have trouble pulling h/; be unable to pull h/
bwaawibizo vai s/he is unable to drive, unable to run or operate
bwaawidaabaadan vti have trouble dragging or pulling it; be unable to drag or pull it
bwaawidaabaazh vta have trouble dragging or pulling h/; be unable to drag or pull h/
bwaawidaabii vai s/he is unable to pull a load, has trouble pulling a load
bwaawigi vai s/he is unable to grow
bwaawigin vii it is unable to grow
bwaawin vta have trouble handling, holding or lifting h/ ; be unable to handle, hold or lift h/
bwaawinadoon vti2 be unable to kill it
bwaawinan vti have trouble handling, holding or lifting it; be unable to handle, hold or lift it
bwaawinazh vta have trouble killing h/; be unable to kill h/
bwaawinige vai s/he has trouble carrying a load on the shoulder ; s/he is unable to carry a load on the shoulder
bwaawishkaa vai s/he hardly moves, won't budge
bwaawishkaa vii it hardly moves, won't budge
bwaawizh vta be unable to cut h/
bwaawizhan vti be unable to cut it
bwaawiiwi vai s/he is unable to budge something
bwaawoom vta have trouble carrying h/ on the back; be unable to carry h/ on the back
bwaawoondan vti have trouble carrying it on the back; be unable to carry it on the back