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/-d/ final

act on it
abwaadan vti roast, cook it over a fire
achigaadan vti bet, wager it
akwaandawaadan vti climb up on, climb on it
andwaanikaadan vti dig for it, search for it by digging
animinigaadan vti carry it away on the shoulder
anokaadan vti work on or at it
apaabowaadan vti season the soup with it
apikaadan vti braid it
asekaadan vti pull and stretch it (a hide); tan it
ashodan vti promise, vow it
aawajinigaadan vti haul it on the shoulder
aazhawinigaadan vti take it across on the shoulder
babaamaandawaadan vti climb about on it
babaaminigaadan vti carry it around on the shoulder
bigiikaadan vti apply pitch, tar or putty to it
bimaandawaadan vti climb along on it
biminigaadan vti carry it along on the shoulder
bimodan vti shoot it with an arrow or other projectile
biijinigaadan vti bring, carry it here on the shoulder
biinaabaawadoon vti2 wash it clean
biindigadoon vti2
  1. bring it inside / indoors, take it inside / indoors
  2. introduce it (as a resolution or legislation)
boodawaadan vti build a fire in it; fire it up [as stove]
boogijidan vti fart on it
bootaagaadan vti stamp it in a mortar
dakaabaawadoon vti2 cool it with water
dakokaadan vti step on it
desabaadan vti sit astride it
gagweda'aakwaadan vti practice shooting it
gitigaadan vti plant it
giizhigaadan vti finish building it (a lodge or house)
goda'aakwaadan vti practice shooting at, take a pot shot at it
gopinigaadan vti carry it on the shoulder inland, into the bush
idan vti say so to it; speak to it in a certain way
izhinigaadan vti carry it on the shoulder to a certain place
jiibaakwaadan vti cook it
madaabiinigaadan vti carry it on the shoulder down to the shore, out of the bush
manisaadan vti cut it as firewood
mashkikiwaabookaadan vti make a medicinal tea of it
maadanokaadan vti start working on it
maajiidoon vti2 carry, take it away
migidan vti bark at it
mikwaanikaadan vti find it by digging
minikwaadan vti use it for a drink
mizhodam vai2 s/he hits the target; s/he wins
mizhodan vti hit it (in shooting)
moona'aagonaadan vti dig the snow out of it, scoop the snow off or out of it
naboobiikaadan vti make a soup or stew of it
naboobiikaazh vta make a soup or stew of h/
nandodan vti [ML] ask for, request, order it
naadaandawaadan vti climb after it
naajidaabaadan vti go after it by sled or wagon, go drag it in
naajinigaadan vti go to get it on the shoulder
naazibiidaabaadan vti drag, pull it down to the water
naazibiinigaadan vti carry it down to the water on the shoulder
nibiikaadan vti add water or other liquid to it, lace it
ningwa'abwaadan vti cook it under the ashes
niibidoon vti2 weave it
nookaabaawadoon vti2 soften it in water
onjinigaadan vti carry it from a certain place on the shoulder
ozhiwanikaadan vti make a pack or bundle of it
waanikaadan vti dig a hole for it
zagaswaadan vti smoke it (e.g., kinnickinnick)
zaagida'aawangwaadan vti take ashes out of it [stove]
zaasakokwaadan vti fry it
zhigidan vti urinate on it
zhiibaayaanikaadan vti dig an opening or passage under it, tunnel under it
zhooniyaakaadan vti make money off it