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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/dak-/ initial

cool, chilly, cold
dakabi vai s/he sits in a cold place, lives in a cold house
dakagwinjidoon vti2 cool it in water
dakaji vai s/he gets a chill, has a cold
dakakamigaa vii it is cold ground
dakamanji'o vai s/he is chilled, feels cold
dakate vii it (a room or house) is cold
dakaa vii it (a thing) is cool
dakaabaawazo vai s/he cools h/ self with water
dakaabaawe vai s/he gets cold and wet
dakaabaawe vii it cools off in water
dakaagamin vii it (a liquid) is cold
dakaagamisin vii it (a liquid) cools off
dakaagonesidoon vti2 cool it in the snow
dakaagoneshim vta cool it (animate) in the snow
dakaanimad vii it is a cold wind
dakaasin vii it is cooled by the wind
dakaasindoon vti2 cool it in the wind, in the air
dakaashi vai s/he is cooled by the wind
dakaashim vta cool h/ in the wind, in the air
dakaawigane vai s/he has a cool back
dakendam vai2 s/he feels chilly, feels a chill
daki- pv lex cool, cold
dakibiisaa vii it is cold rain
dakibiisaan vii [BL] it is cold rain
dakidiye vai s/he has a cold rear
dakigamisidoon vti2 set it (liquid) to cool
dakijaane vai s/he has a cold nose
dakininjii vai s/he has cool hand or cool hands
dakisagaa vii it is a cool floor
dakise vai s/he cools
dakise vii it cools
dakisidoon vti2 set it to cool
dakisin vii it cools off
dakishim vta set h/ to cool
dakishin vai s/he cools off
dakizi vai s/he (an animate thing) is cool
dakizide vai h/ foot is chilled or cold, h/ feet are chilled or cold
dakizideyaabaawe vai s/he cools h/ foot or feet in water
dakiingwe vai s/he has cold face
dakiiwagisin vii it (meat) cools off