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/dakw-/ initial

dakojiiminagizi vai s/he is short and stubby, is a runt
dakokodan vti cut, carve it short
dakokode vii it is cut, carved short
dakokozh vta cut, carve h/ short
dakokozo vai s/he is cut, carved short
dakokoozhe vai s/he has a short bill
dakoningwii vai s/he has a short wing or short wings
dakozh vta cut h/ short
dakozhan vti cut it short
dakoonagad vii it (a canoe or boat) is short
dakootigweyaa vii it is a short river
dakoozi vai s/he is short
dakwamon vii it (road or trail) is short
dakwanashkidii vai s/he (a bird) has a short tail
dakwashkad vii it (plant, grass) has a short stalk, is short
dakwashkiigaa vii it is a short muskeg
dakwaa vii it is short
dakwaabikad vii it is short (as something mineral)
dakwaabikizi vai s/he is short (as something mineral)
dakwaabiigad vii it is short (as something string-like)
dakwaabiigizh vta cut h/ short (as something string-like)
dakwaabiigizhan vti cut it short (as something string-like)
dakwaabiigizi vai s/he is short (as something string-like)
dakwaakoga' vta chop h/ short
dakwaakoga'an vti chop it short
dakwaakogaade vai s/he has a short leg or short legs
dakwaakominagad vii it is short-grained
dakwaakozi vai s/he is short (as something stick- or wood-like)
dakwaakozide vai s/he has a short foot or short feet
dakwaakwaboye vai s/he has a short paddle
dakwaakwad vii it is short (as something stick- or wood-like)
dakwaanawe vai [LLC] s/he (an animal) has a short tail
dakwaanowe vai s/he (an animal) has a short tail
dakwegad vii it is short (as something sheet-like)
dakwegambizo vai she wears a short skirt
dakwegi' vta make h/ short (sheet-like)
dakwegitoon vti2 make it short (sheet-like)
dakwegizh vta cut h/ (something sheet-like) short
dakwegizhan vti cut it (something sheet-like) short
dakwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is short