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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/daS-/ initial

so many, a certain number
dasin vii it is so much, there is so much of it
dasing adv tmp a certain number of times; so many times
dasinoon vii they (inanimate) are a certain number, there are a certain number of them; they (inanimate) are so many, there are so many of them
daswewaanagiziwag vai are of a certain number of sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate); there are so many sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate)
dashi vai s/he, it (animate) is so much, there is so much of h/, it (animate)
dashiwag vai they (animate) are a certain number, there are a certain number of them; they (animate) are so many, there are so many of them