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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/gagaanw-/ initial

reduplication of ginw-
gagaanoganzhii vai s/he has long nails, claws
gagaanonagweyaa vii it has long sleeves
gagaanooziwag vai they are tall, are long
gagaanwa'amii vai s/he takes long steps
gagaanwaabide vai s/he has long teeth
gagaanwaabiigadoon vii they (something string-like) are long
gagaanwaabiigitawage vai s/he has long floppy ears
gagaanwaakoganzhii vai s/he has long nails or claws
gagaanwaakonike vai s/he has long arms
gagaanwaakoninjii vai s/he has long hands, long fingers
gagaanwaakozide vai s/he has long feet
gagaanwaakoziwag vai they (something animate and stick-like) are long
gagaanwaakwadoon vii they (something stick-like) are long, are tall
gagaanwaanikwe vai s/he has long hair
gagaanwaawan vii they are long