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/gib-/ initial

blocked, plugged
gibabi vai s/he sits blocking the way
gibagoode vii it hangs covering or blocking
gibagoodoon vti2 hang it blocking
gibagoozh vta hang h/ blocking
giba' vta stop h/ up; plug, block h/
giba'an vti stop it up; plug, block, dam it
gibaabika'an vti close the damper on it
gibaabikibidoon vti2 latch it
gibaabikinan vti close it (mineral/metal); close the damper on it
gibaabogo vai it (animate, e.g. ice) drifts and dams up the river
gibaabowe' vta put a lid on h/
gibaabowe'an vti plug or cover it (liquid or something that holds a liquid), put a lid on it
gibaakobidoon vti2
  1. pull it shut (as something stick- or wood-like)
  2. can it
gibaakobizh vta pull h/ shut; can h/
gibaakon vta close h/; block h/; lock h/ out
gibaakoshkoode vii it (log) fell and blocks the way
gibaakowebinan vti slam it shut (as something stick- or wood-like; e.g. a door)
gibaakwadin vii it freezes shut, is frozen shut
gibaakwa' vta
  1. shut, block h/ (as or as with something stick- or wood-like)
  2. jail, imprison h/
gibaakwa'an vti shut, block, dam it (as or as with something stick- or wood-like)
gibaakwaji vai s/he freezes shut, is frozen shut
gibaakwaasin vii it (something stick-like or of wood) is blown shut
gibigaabawi vai s/he stands blocking the way
gibijaane vai s/he has a stuffed-up nose
gibikweni vai s/he moves h/ head in the way
gibinde'an vti close it with a cloth or hide door
gibisidoon vti2
gibisin vii it lies in the way, blocks the way
gibiskwagi' vta staunch h/ bleeding
gibiskwagise vai h/ blood stops flowing, clots
gibiskwagizi vai s/he stops bleeding
gibishe vai s/he is deaf
gibishe'o vai s/he has plugged or covered ears
gibishim vta put h/ in to block the way, put h/ in to plug something
gibishin vai s/he lies in the way, blocks the way
gibishkam vai2 s/he is in the way, blocks the way
gibishkan vti obstruct, block it with foot or body
gibishkaw vta obstruct, block h/ with foot or body
gibishkaa vai s/he, it (animate) gets plugged, dammed, obstructed, blocked
gibishkaa vii it gets plugged, dammed, obstructed, blocked
gibitawage vai s/he has a plugged ear or plugged ears
gibitawagen vta block h/ ears
gibiiga'an vti shut it (as something sheet-like: a curtain, drapes, cloth partition)