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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/gichiw-/ initial

stuck, caught up, held fast
gichiwam vta hold h/ back with teeth
gichiwaabikishin vai s/he is stuck on a rock, drives the boat onto rock
gichiwaagonesin vii it is stuck in the snow
gichiwaagoneshin vai s/he is stuck in the snow
gichiwaakwa'an vti pin it down, clamp it down
gichiwaakwaji vai s/he, it (animate) gets snagged, gets caught up on something stick-like
gichiwijiishkiwesin vii it is stuck in the mud
gichiwijiishkiweshin vai s/he, it (animate) is stuck in the mud
gichiwim vta talk h/ out of going
gichiwin vta hold h/ back; keep h/ from going
gichiwisin vii it is stuck
gichiwishkaa vii it gets stuck
gichiwishkaa vai sh/e, it (animate) gets stuck