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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/gidag-/ initial

variegated, spotted
gidaganagekozi vai s/he (a tree) has spotted bark
gidaganashkidii vai s/he (a bird) has a spotted tail
gidagaa vii it is spotted, is multi-colored
gidagaabikad vii it (mineral) is spotted, is multi-colored
gidagaabikizi vai s/he (mineral) is spotted, is multi-colored
gidagaakigane vai s/he has a spotted chest
gidagibii'an vti draw dots or spots on it
gidagigwane vai s/he (a bird) has spotted feathers
gidagimakakii na a leopard frog
gidagizi vai s/he is spotted, is multi-colored
gidagiigad vii it is spotted, is multi-colored (as something sheet-like)
gidagiigin ni calico, print cotton fabric
gidagiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) is spotted, is multi-colored
gidagiingwe vai s/he has spots on h/ face, has freckles on h/ face