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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/giit-/ initial

take off, undress
giich , giis
giichibabagiwayaane vai s/he takes off h/ shirt
giichibabiinzikawaagane vai s/he takes off h/ coat or jacket
giichigiboodiyegwaazone vai s/he takes off h/ pants
giichigwaashi vai h/ blows off
giichiminjikaawane vai s/he takes off h/ mittens
giichiwakwaane vai s/he takes off h/ hat
giichiwiiwakwaane vai s/he takes h/ hat off
giitagoode vai she takes off her dress
giitakizine vai [BL] s/he takes h/ moccasins or shoes off
giitazhigane vai s/he takes off h/ socks
giitaabikin vta remove h/ from a trap
giitaagime vai s/he takes off h/ snowshoe
giizikan vti take it (item of clothing) off
giizikaw vta take h/ (item of clothing) off
giizikonaye vai s/he undresses, takes off h/ (own) clothes