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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/gwek-/ initial

turn, change direction
gwekabi vai s/he turns around while sitting
gwekaadizi vai s/he changes, transforms h/ life
gwekaanimad vii the wind shifts, changes direction
gwekaasin vii it turns, changes direction in the wind
gwekaashi vai s/he, it (animate) turns, changes direction in the wind
gwekendam vai s/he changes h/ (own) mind
gwekibagizo vai s/he turns suddenly or without warning
gwekibatoo vai s/he turns running
gwekibide vii it turns, changes direction driving
gwekibidoon vti2 turn it (with hands)
gwekibizh vta turn h/ (with hands)
gwekibizo vai s/he turns driving
gwekigaabawi vai s/he turns while standing
gwekikwebagizo vai s/he turns h/ head quickly
gwekikweni vai s/he turns h/ head around
gwekin vta turn h/ (by hand)
gwekinan vti turn it (by hand)
gwekinaagozi vai s/he is changed in appearance, is transformed
gwekise vai s/he turns suddenly or without warning
gwekise vii it turns suddenly or without warning
gwekisidoon vti2 put it so it is turned
gwekisin vii it turns lying in place
gwekishim vta put h/ so s/he is turned, put it (animate) so it is turned
gwekishin vai s/he turns lying in place
gwekitaa vai s/he turns (h/ body); s/he changes h/ way of doing something or h/ belief
gwekiwebinan vti turn it quickly; flip it over
gwekiigin vta turn h/ over (as something sheet-like)
gwekiiginan vti turn it over (as something sheet-like)