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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-i/ final

s/he is such a number, such an amount
bezhigo vai s/he is alone, is one, is the only one
dashi vai s/he, it (animate) is so much, there is so much of h/, it (animate)
dashiwag vai they (animate) are a certain number, there are a certain number of them; they (animate) are so many, there are so many of them
ingodwaachiwag vai they (animate) are six, there are six of them
ishwaachiwag vai they (animate) are eight, there are eight of them
midaachiwag vai they (animate) are ten, there are ten of them
naananiwag vai they (animate) are five, there are five of them
ningodwaachiwag vai they (animate) are six, there are six of them
nisiwag vai they (animate) are three, there are three of them
nishwaachiwag vai they (animate) are eight, there are eight of them
niiwiwag vai they (animate) are four, there are four of them
niizhiwag vai they (animate) are two, there are two of them
niizhwaachiwag vai they (animate) are seven, there are seven of them
zhaangachiwag vai they (animate) are nine, there are nine of them