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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-ii/ final

animaagonagii vai s/he goes away [in the other direction] in the snow
animikwii vai s/he turns h/ back
ashwii vai s/he is prepared, is ready, is on guard
babaamaagonagii vai s/he goes about in the snow
bagamaagonagii vai s/he arrives coming through the snow
bagamaakwii vai s/he arrives holding on (to something stick-like such as a railing or a handle)
bagidaakwii vai s/he lets go of something (held on to (something stick-like such as a railing or a handle)
bapawii vai s/he shakes h/ self off
bazigwii vai s/he stands up, gets up (to a standing position)
bimaagonagii vai s/he goes along in snow
binaakwii vai it (a tree) has its leaves fall
bishigwaakwii vai s/he misses h/ grip (on something stick-like such as a railing or a handle)
biidaagonagii vai s/he comes in snow
boonii vai s/he alights, lands (from flight)
dadaatabii vai s/he is quick, is fast (at doing something)
gagiichii vai s/he takes off h/ (own) shoes or moccasins
gagwejii vai s/he tests h/ strength
gibichii vai s/he stops for a while; s/he takes a break
gidaatabii vai s/he is quick, is fast (at doing something)
giziibiigii vai s/he washes up
gopii vai s/he goes up from the water, goes inland, goes into the woods
inaagonagii vai s/he goes to a certain place in snow
ishkwii vai s/he stays behind. remains
mamaajii vai s/he moves, is in motion, twitches
mamaazhii vai s/he makes things badly, does a poor job
mashkawaakwii vai s/he hangs on tight to something solid
minjimaakwii vai s/he clings, holds on (to something stick-like such as a railing or a handle)
minjimii vai s/he clings, holds on (to something stick-like: a handle, a railing)
mookii vai s/he emerges, surfaces
nagajii vai s/he is familiar with, is accustomed to, is used to doing something
namanjii vai s/he is left-handed
nanaa'ii vai s/he is dressed up
noogii vai s/he stops doing something, hesitates
ondaagonagii vai s/he comes from a certain place in snow
onjii vai s/he comes from a certain place
wajepii vai s/he is quick, is agile
wiikwii vai s/he pulls (with h/ whole body)
zagakii vai s/he settles down, settles down for the night, goes to bed
zhagashkii vai s/he crouches down, ducks down, stoops
zagaakwii vai s/he clings, holds on (to something stick-like: a handle, a railing)
zhaabwii vai s/he goes through, passes through, achieves something, survives
zhegwii vai s/he gets in under something, gets in a tight place
zhigajii vai s/he is impatient, grows tired of something