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/ikw-/ initial

higher, out of the way, aside
ikobidoon vti2 pull it out of the way, pull it up
ikobizh vta pull h/ out of the way, pull h/ up
ikodaabaadan vti drag it out of the way
ikodaabaazh vta drag h/ out of the way
ikodaabii vai s/he drag, pull a load out of the way
ikogaabawi vai s/he stands aside, stands out of the way
ikogaadeni vai s/he moves h/ leg out of the way
ikogwaashkwani vai s/he jumps up out of the way
ikokweni vai s/he moves h/ head out of the way
ikon vta set h/ out of the way
ikonan vti set it out of the way
ikonikeni vai s/he moves h/ arm out of the way
ikonikewebin vta push h/ arm aside
ikoninjiini vai s/he moves h/ hand out of the way
ikoninjiiwebin vta shove h/ hand aside
ikonizhikaw vta chase h/ out of the way
ikosidoon vti2 put it out of the way, remove it
ikosin vii it lies out of the way
ikoshim vta put h/ out of the way, remove h/
ikoshin vai s/he lies out of the way, moves h/ body up out of the way
ikotaa vai s/he moves aside, gets out of the way
ikoweba' vta shove h/ aside or out of the way (using something)
ikoweba'an vti shove it aside or out of the way (using something)
ikowebin vta push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way (with hands)
ikowebinan vti push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way (with hands)
ikowebishkan vti kick, shove it aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)
ikowebishkaw vta kick, shove h/ aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)
ikozideni vai s/he moves h/ foot out of the way
ikwabi vai
  1. s/he moves out of the way (while seated)
  2. s/he resigns a position
ikwagoodoon vti2 hang it higher, out of the way
ikwagoozh vta hang h/ higher, out of the way
ikwanagwe vai h/ sleeve is pulled up
ikwanagweni vai s/he rolls up h/ sleeve
ikwanaandan vti sniff, inhale it
ikwanoozo vai s/he snores; s/he inhales
ikwapide vii it is tied up higher, out of the way
ikwapidoon vti2 tie it up higher, out of the way
ikwapizh vta tie h/ up higher, out of the way
ikwapizo vai s/he is tied up higher, out of the way
ikwaabiigin vta pull h/ up with a rope
ikwaabiiginan vti pull it up with a rope
ikweginan vti hold or put it (something sheet-like) higher, out of the way