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/-izi/ final

s/he is in a state or condition
agaasadeyaabikizi vai s/he is narrow (as something mineral)
agaasadeyaabiigizi vai s/he is narrow (as something string-like)
agaasadeyiigizi vai s/he is narrow (as something sheet-like)
agaasadezi vai s/he is narrow
agaasaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is small
agaasaabiigizi vai it (animate; something string-like) is small, is fine
agaasaakozi vai s/he is small (as something stick- or wood-like)
agaasiminagizi vai s/he is small (as something ball-like)
agaasiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is small
agaasoonagizi vai it (animate) is a small vehicle
agwaagwaabikizi vai s/he is rusty
akoozi vai s/he is a certain length, is a certain height, is so long, is so tall
akwaabikizi vai s/he is a certain length (as something mineral), is so long (as something mineral)
akwaabiigizi vai s/he is a certain length (as something string-like), is so long (as something string-like)
akwaakozi vai s/he is a certain length (as something stick- or wood-like)
akwegizi vai s/he is a certain length (as something sheet-like), is so long (as something sheet-like)
apiichijiishkiwagizi vai h/ (dough) is of such a thickness, is so thick
apiitadezi vai s/he is so wide
apiitizi vai s/he is a certain age, is a certain thickness
asabaabikizi vai it (mineral, animate) has small holes, is perforated
asabizi vai it (animate) has small holes, is a mesh
ashkijiishkiwagizi vai h/ (bread, bannock) is doughy
ashkiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) is raw
ayaangwaamizi vai s/he is careful, is cautious
ayekozi vai s/he is tired
aabadizi vai s/he is useful, is used
aabaakawizi vai s/he revives, comes to
aabidakamigizi vai s/he does something continuously
aabitawaabikizi vai
  1. s/he is half (as something mineral)
  2. it (the moon) is a half-moon
aakozi vai s/he is sick, is ill
aakwaadizi vai s/he is fierce
aangawizi vai [BL] [N] s/he is gentle, is tame
aanimizi vai s/he suffers, is in distress, is very sick
babaamaadizi vai s/he lives about; s/he travels about
babaamizi vai s/he does business, goes about on his business
babegikaadizi vai s/he is real slow; s/he is pokey
babigwanagekozi vai s/he (a tree) has bumpy bark
babigwaabikizi vai s/he is bumpy, is lumpy (as something mineral)
babigwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is bumpy, is lumpy
babimaadizi vai s/he keeps living
babiiwaakoziwag vai they (animate; stick-like) are small
babiiwiminagiziwag vai they are tiny (as something ball-like)
babiizigiigizi vai s/he (sheet-like) is crinkled, is crumpled
bagonezi vai s/he has a hole
bagwanawizi vai s/he is ignorant, is stupid, is dumb
bagwegizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) has a hole in h/
bajiishkaabikizi vai s/he is pointed (as something mineral)
bajiishkizi vai s/he is pointed
bakaanizi vai s/he is different
banaadizi vai
  1. s/he is spoiled, is ruined
  2. s/he dies, is dead
banizi vai s/he misses out
bashkwaandagizi vai s/he (a tree) is bare of boughs
bazagozi vai s/he is sticky
baapaagizi vai s/he is hard
baapaazagojiizi vai s/he has scratches on h/ belly
bekaadizi vai s/he is quiet, is still, is easy-going
bengojiishkiwagizi vai it (animate; mud-like) is dry
bengozi vai s/he dries, is dry
bengwaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is dry
bengwaandagizi vai it (animate, bough) is dry
bengwegizi vai it (animate, sheet-like) is dry from heat or fire
bepeshizi vai s/he has stripes, lines
bepeshiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) has stripes
beshizi vai s/he has a line, has a stripe
beshiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) has a stripe, has a line
bibaganagekozi vai s/he (a tree) has thin bark
bibagaabikizi vai s/he is thin (as something mineral)
bibagizi vai s/he is thin
bibagiigizi vai s/he is thin (as something sheet-like)
bikwaakwadozi vai s/he is round (like a ball), is chubby
bimaadizi vai s/he lives, is alive
bimaawangizi vai s/he is powdered, is a powder
biskiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) is folded
bizhishigozi vai s/he is empty
biinaabikizi vai s/he is clean (as something mineral)
biinaabiigizi vai s/he (something string-like) is clean
biinisizi vai s/he is plain, bland, numb, flavorless, without sensation
biinizi vai s/he is clean
biiniigizi vai s/he is clean (sheet-like)
biisadaawangizi vai s/he (sand-like) is fine
biisadikwanezi s/he (a tree) has small branches
biisaandagizi vai s/he (tree) has fine needles
biisiminagizi vai s/he (something round) is fine, is tiny
biisizi vai s/he is fine; s/he is in particles
boozaabikizi vai [BL] s/he (mineral) is greasy, is greased
dadaakooziwag vai they are short
dakizi vai s/he (an animate thing) is cool
dakojiiminagizi vai s/he is short and stubby, is a runt
dakoozi vai s/he is short
dakwaabikizi vai s/he is short (as something mineral)
dakwaabiigizi vai s/he is short (as something string-like)
dakwaakozi vai s/he is short (as something stick- or wood-like)
dakwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is short
danakamigizi vai s/he has an event in a certain place; s/he works, plays (in a certain place)
danaadizi vai s/he stays around a certain place
dasobagizi vai it (animate) has so many leaves
dasogonagizi vai s/he is a certain day of the month; s/he is a certain number of days old
dasoonagiziwag vai there are a certain number of canoes of them
daswaandagizi vai it (animate) has a certain number of tree needles
daswewaanagiziwag vai are of a certain number of sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate); there are so many sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate)
daashkaabikizi vai s/he is split (i.s.)
debizi vai s/he is satisfied, has enough, is lucky
desaandagizi vai s/he (tree) has flat needles
dewizi vai s/he aches, has an ache
gagaanooziwag vai they are tall, are long
gagaanwaakoziwag vai they (something animate and stick-like) are long
gagiibaadizi vai s/he is foolish, is silly, is naughty
gagiipizi vai s/he is chapped
gagwaanisagizi vai s/he is mean, is terrible
gakakaabikizi vai s/he is square (as something mineral)
gakakaakozi vai s/he is square (as something stick- or wood-like)
gakakizi vai s/he is square
gakakiigizi vai s/he is square (as something sheet-like)
gawiskwagizi vai s/he bleeds profusely
gaagiidizi vai s/he is sore
gaagiijiiwagizi vai s/he has sore muscles
gaapizi vai s/he is brittle
gaashaabikizi vai s/he is sharp [of mineral/metal]
gaashaandagizi vai s/he (tree) has prickly needles
gaashiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) is rough, is prickly
gaawaabikizi vai s/he is rough (as something mineral)
gaawegizi vai s/he is rough (as something sheet-like)
gaawizi vai s/he is rough
gibichiskwagizi vai s/he stops bleeding
gibiskwagizi vai s/he stops bleeding
gidaganagekozi vai s/he (a tree) has spotted bark
gidagaabikizi vai s/he (mineral) is spotted, is multi-colored
gidagizi vai s/he is spotted, is multi-colored
gidagiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) is spotted, is multi-colored
gidimaagizi vai s/he is poor, is pitiful
gigizin vai + o s/he has it in h/ possession, keeps it
gijigizi vai it (animate) is rippled, has ridges
ginagizi vai s/he is itchy, is ticklish
ginoozi vai s/he is tall, is long
ginwaabikizi vai s/he is long (as something mineral)
ginwaabiigizi vai it (animate; something string-like) is long
ginwaakozi vai
  1. s/he is long (as something wood or stick-like)
  2. s/he is tall (of a person)
ginwaakwaandagizi vai s/he (tree) has long needles
ginwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is long
gipaganagekozi vai s/he (a tree) has thick bark
gipagaabikizi vai s/he is thick (as something mineral)
gipagaabiigizi vai s/he is thick (as something string-like)
gipagizi vai s/he is thick
gipagiigizi vai s/he is thick (as something sheet-like)
gizhaabikizi vai s/he is hot (mineral)
gizhewaadizi vai s/he is kind, is generous
gizhiibizi vai s/he itches
giikimanizi vai s/he feels numb; s/he tingles
giinizi vai s/he is sharp
giipanagekozi vai s/he (a tree) has scaly bark
giiwanaadizi vai s/he is crazy, is insane
giizhoozi vai s/he is warm [person]
goshkozi vai s/he wakes up, is awake
goshkwaawaadizi vai s/he is still, is quiet (in manner or way of life)
gotaamigozi vai s/he is a good worker, is a good provider
goopadizi vai s/he is worthless, is useless
gwayakozi vai s/he is straight
gwayakwaabikizi vai s/he is straight (as something mineral)
gwayakwaabiigizi vai s/he is straight (as something string-like)
gwayakwaakozi vai s/he is straight (as something stick- or wood-like)
gwaashkwezi vai s/he is eager, is energetic, is ambitious
gwekaadizi vai s/he changes, transforms h/ life
inakamigizi vai s/he does a certain thing, has certain things happen to h/
inaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is of a certain kind, goes a certain way
inaabiigizi vai s/he is a certain way (as something string-like)
inaadizi vai s/he has a certain character or nature, has a certain way of life
inaakozi vai s/he is a certain way (as something stick- or wood-like)
ingodwaasogonagizi vai s/he is the sixth day of the month; s/he is six days old
inigaazi vai
  1. s/he is pitiable, is poor
  2. s/he mourns
inigokobagizi vai it (animate) has leaves of such a size
inigokwadeyaabikizi vai s/he is a certain width, is so wide (as something mineral)
inigokwadeyaabiigizi vai s/he is a certain width, is so wide (as something string-like)
inigokwadeyaakozi vai s/he is a certain width, is so wide (as something stick- or wood-like)
inigokwadeyiigizi vai s/he is a certain width, is so wide (as something sheet-like)
inigokwadezi vai s/he is a certain width, is so wide
inigokwaabikizi vai s/he is a certain size, is so big (as something mineral)
inigokwaabiigizi vai s/he is a certain size, is so big (as something string-like)
inigokwaakozi vai s/he is a certain size, is so big (as something stick- or wood-like)
inigokwegizi vai s/he is a certain size, is so big (as something sheet-like)
ishwaasogonagizi vai it is the eighth (of the month); s/he is eight days old
izhibagizi vai it (animate) has such leaves, has leaves going a certain way
izhiigizi vai s/he is a certain way (as something sheet-like)
jiibozi vai [BL] s/he is pointed
jiibwaabikizi vai [BL] s/he is pointed [mineral]
jiibwaakozi vai [BL] s/he (something wooden or stick-like) is pointed
jiibwegizi vai [BL] s/he is pointed (sheet-like)
jiikakamigizi vai s/he has a good time
maji-manidoowaadizi vai s/he is evil, is possessed by an evil spirit
makadewanagekozi vai s/he (a tree) has dark or black bark
makadewaabikizi vai
  1. s/he is black (as something mineral)
  2. s/he is in eclipse, there is an eclipse (of the sun or moon)
makadewaabiigizi vai s/he is black (as something string-like)
makadewaakozi vai s/he is black (as something stick- or wood-like)
makadewegizi vai s/he is black (as something sheet-like)
makadewizi vai s/he is black, is dark
mamaangadikwanezi vai s/he (a tree) has big branches
mamaangibagizi vai s/he (tree) has big leaves
mamaanjigozi vai s/he is immobilized, is incapacitated
manezi vai + o s/he is in need of, is short of (it)
mangadeyaabiigizi vai s/he is wide (as something string-like)
mangadeyaakozi vai s/he is wide (as something stick-like)
mangadeyiigizi vai s/he is wide (as something sheet-like)
mangadezi vai s/he is wide
mangijiizi vai s/he is big-bellied
manidoowaadizi vai s/he has a spiritual nature
mashkawaabikad vii it (mineral) is strong
mashkawaabikizi vai s/he (mineral) is strong
mashkawaabiigizi vai s/he is tough, is stiff (string-like)
mashkawaakozi vai s/he (stick-like) is strong, is hard, is dense; s/he is hard (o.s.); s/he is dense (o.s.)
mashkawaakwad vii it (stick-like) is strong, is hard, is dense
mashkawaakwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is stiff
mashkawegizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) is strong (sheet-like)
mashkawijiishkiwagizi vai it (animate; mud-like, e.g., dough) is hard
mashkawizi vai s/he is strong, hard, dense
mayagizi vai s/he is strange, is foreign
mayaawizi vai s/he is upright, perks up, comes alive
maadakamigizi vai s/he starts, begins (in some event)
maadaadizi vai s/he starts a journey
maamakaadizi vai s/he amazes, astonishes
maanaadizi vai s/he is ugly, is homely
michaabikizi vai
  1. s/he is big (as something mineral)
  2. it is full (of the moon), there is a full moon
michaakozi vai s/he is big (as something stick- or wood-like)
michiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is big
midaasogonagizi vai it is the tenth (of the month); s/he is ten days old
mikwamiiwaabikizi vai
minawaanigozi vai s/he is happy, is joyous, is glad, has a good time
minaagwad vii it has a odor, has a smell
minwaabikizi vai s/he is good (as something mineral)
minwaadizi vai s/he is a good person (leads a good life, has a good character, is honest)
minwaakozi vai s/he is good (as something stick- or wood-like)
minwegizi vai s/he is good (as something sheet-like)
miskobagizi vai s/he (a tree) has red leaves
miskominagizi vai s/he is red (globular)
miskosagizi vai s/he (something board-like, floor) is red
miskozi vai s/he is red
miskozigozi vai s/he (ice, something in a cake or bar) is red
miskwanagekozi vai s/he (a tree) has red bark
miskwaabikizi vai s/he is red (as something mineral)
miskwaabiigizi vai s/he is red (as something string-like)
miskwaakozi vai s/he is red (as something stick- or wood-like)
miskwegizi vai s/he is red (as something sheet-like)
miskwiiwaakozi vai s/he is bloody (as something stick-like)
miskwiiwegizi vai s/he is bloody (as something sheet-like)
miziweminagizi vai s/he (something berry- or ball-like) is whole, is in one piece
miziweyaabikizi vai s/he is full (as something mineral; e.g., the moon)
miziweyiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) is whole, is in one piece
miziwezi vai s/he is whole, is intact
miikawaadizi vai s/he is handsome, is beautiful; [BL] s/he is smart, clever, knows what s/he is doing
miishizi vai s/he is hairy, is fuzzy
miishiigizi vai s/he is fuzzy (as something sheet-like)
moojigizi vai [N] s/he is happy, is joyous, is glad, has a good time
nabagaabikizi vai s/he is flat (as something mineral)
nabagizi vai s/he is flat
naniizaanizi vai s/he is dangerous
nazhikewizi vai s/he is alone, is one, is the only one
naagozi vai s/he is visible, appears
naangizi vai s/he is light (in weight)
naanogonagizi vai it is the fifth (of the month); s/he is five days old
naanoonagiziwag vai there are five canoes or boats of them
naanwewaanagiziwag vai there are five sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate)
neshangaabiigizi vai s/he is slack (as something string-like)
neshangizi vai s/he is limber, is slack
nibiiwaabikizi vai it (animate; something mineral) is wet
nibiiwaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is wet
nibiiwaandagizi vai it (animate, bough) is wet
nibiiwegizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) is wet
nibiiwisagizi vai s/he (board, tree) is wet
nibiiwizi vai s/he is wet; s/he is juicy
ningodwaasogonagizi vai s/he is six days old
nisogonagizi vai it is the third (of a month); s/he is three days old
nisoonagiziwag vai there are three canoes or boats of them
niswewaanagiziwag vai there are three sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate)
nishiwanaadakamigizi vai s/he is naughty, is unruly, is disobedient
nishiwanaadizi vai [RL] s/he is in poor condition, is neglected; s/he is dead
nishkaadizi vai s/he is angry, is mad
nishwaasogonagizi vai it is the eighth (of the month); s/he is eight days old
niibaakamigizi vai s/he is active at night
niigaanizi vai s/he is always first, is foremost, leads
niinamaabikizi vai s/he (mineral) is weak
niinamaakozi vai s/he (stick-like) is weak
niinamizi vai s/he is weak, is fragile, is frail
niingidawizi vai s/he is forked, forks
niiskizi vai s/he is messy, is burdened with too much stuff
niiwewaanagiziwag vai there are four sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate)
niiyogonagizi vai it is the fourth (of the month); s/he is four days old
niiyoonagiziwag vai there are four canoes of boats of them
niizhogonagizi vai it is the second (of the month); s/he is two days old
niizhoonagiziwag vai there are two canoes or boats of them
niizhwaasogonagizi vai
  1. s/he is seven days old
  2. it is the seventh day of the month
nookaabikizi vai s/he (mineral) is soft
nookaabiigizi vai s/he is soft (string-like)
nookaadizi vai s/he has a good, easy life
nookijiizi vai s/he is soft-bellied; it (animate; something bag-like, belly-like) is soft
nookizi vai s/he is soft, is tender
nookiigizi vai s/he is soft (as something sheet-like)
nookiiwagizi vai s/he has tender meat
noosookizi vai [BL] s/he is soft and fluffy
ojaanimakamigizi vai s/he is busy or occupied in work or activity
ojaanimizi vai s/he is busy
ondamakamigizi vai she is busy with an activity
ondamizi vai s/he is busy
ondaadizi vai s/he is born; s/he comes from a certain place
ondizi vai s/he makes a living a certain way, earns or makes money, gets paid, benefits a certain way, inherits from a certain source
opaakamigizi vai s/he disturbs sleep with activity
oshaakamigizi vai s/he makes noise and scare off game
ozhaashaabikizi vai s/he is slippery (as something mineral)
ozhaashaakozi vai s/he is slippery (as something stick- or wood-like)
ozhaashizi vai s/he is slippery, is slick
ozhaashiigizi vai s/he is slippery (as something sheet-like)
ozaawadaawangizi vai it (animate) (sand-like, powder) is yellow, is brown
ozaawanagekozi vai s/he (a tree) has yellow or brown bark
ozhaawashkozi vai s/he is blue, is green
ozhaawashkwaabikizi vai s/he is blue, green (as something mineral)
ozhaawashkwaabiigizi vai s/he is blue, green (as something string-like)
ozhaawashkwaakozi vai s/he is blue, green (as something stick- or wood-like)
ozhaawashkwegizi vai s/he is blue, green (as something sheet-like)
ozaawaabikizi vai s/he is yellow, is brown (as something mineral); s/he is (of) brass
ozaawaabiigizi vai s/he is yellow, is brown (as something string-like)
ozaawaakozi vai s/he is yellow, is brown (as something stick- or wood-like)
ozaawegizi vai s/he is yellow, is brown (as something sheet-like)
ozaawiminagizi vai s/he is yellow or brown (globular)
ozaawizi vai s/he is yellow, is brown
ozibanaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is moist with sap, has wood moist with sap
oziigizi vai s/he is wrinkled
oziigiigizi vai s/he is wrinkled (sheet-like)
wakewizi vai s/he is weak, is fragile, is frail
wanaadizi vai [BL] s/he is spoiled, is damaged
wawaawashkaakozi vai it (stick-like, animate) is crooked, is a crooked tree
wawiingezi vai s/he is skillful, does a good job, does something well
waabijiizi vai s/he is grey
waabishkadaawangizi vai s/he (sand-like, powder) is white
waabishkanagekozi vai s/he (a tree) has white bark
waabishkaabikizi vai s/he is white (as something mineral)
waabishkaabiigizi vai s/he is white (as something string-like)
waabishkaakozi vai s/he is white (as something stick- or wood-like)
waabishkizi vai s/he is white
waabishkizigozi vai s/he (ice) is white
waabishkiigizi vai s/he is white (as something sheet-like)
waagaabikizi vai s/he is bent (as something mineral)
waagaakozi vai s/he is bent (as something stick- or wood-like)
waagizi vai s/he is bent
waangawizi vai [S] s/he is gentle, is tame
waanisagizi vai it (animate, board) has a depression in it
waaseyiigizi vai s/he is bright, shiny (as something sheet-like)
waasezi vai the sun shines, is bright, is light, is radiant
waasikozi vai s/he, it (animate) is shiny
waasikwegizi vai s/he is shiny (sheet-like)
waawiyeminagizi vai s/he is round (as something ball-like)
waawiyeyaabikizi vai s/he is round (as something mineral)
waawiyeyaakozi vai s/he is round (as something stick- or wood-like)
waawiyeyaandagizi vai s/he (tree) has round needles
waawiyeyiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) is round
waawiyezi vai s/he is round, is circular
wendizi vai s/he is easy, is cheap
wenipanizi vai s/he is easy, does something easily
wewiibizi vai s/he is in a hurry
wiimbaabikizi vai s/he (mineral) is hollow, has a cavity
wiimbizi vai s/he is hollow
wiinaabikizi vai s/he (mineral) is dirty
wiinaabiigizi vai s/he (something string-like) is dirty
wiinijiishkiwagizi vai s/he is muddy, dirty with mud
wiinizi vai s/he is dirty
wiiniigizi vai s/he is dirty (sheet-like)
wiinjiigizi vai s/he smells like s/he shit
wiisagizi vai s/he is bitter (to the taste)
wiishkobizi vai s/he is sweet
zhakizi vai s/he is damp
zhakiigizi vai s/he is damp (as something sheet-like)
zanagizi vai s/he is difficult, hard to manage
zhaaboskwagizi vai blood seeps through h/
zhaagawibagizi vii it (animate) has oval leaves
zaagiskwagizi vai s/he bleeds
zhaagwaadizi vai s/he is weak in power, is ineffective
zhaangasogonagizi vai s/he is nine days old; it is the ninth day of it (a month)
zaatezi vai s/he is rancid; s/he is stale
zegizi vai s/he is afraid, frightened, scared
zhiibizi vai s/he is tough, is strong
zhiiwizi vai s/he is sour; [BL] s/he is sweet
zhoobizi vai s/he is tempted
zoongaabikizi vai s/he (mineral) is strong
zoongaabiigad vii it is strong (as something string-like)
zoongaabiigizi vai s/he is strong (as something string-like)
zoongizi vai s/he is solid, strong
zhooshkozi vai s/he is smooth
zhooshkwanagekozi vai s/he (a tree) has smooth bark
zhooshkwaabikizi vai s/he is smooth (as something mineral), is rustless
zhooshkwaabiigizi vai s/he is straight and smooth (string-like)
zhooshkwaakozi vai s/he is smooth (as something stick- or wood-like)
zhooshkwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is smooth