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/-izo/ final

s/he, it (animate) is heated; is affected by fire, the sun, or the moon
abaawiganezo vai s/he warms h/ (own) back
abininjiizo vai s/he warms h/ (own) hands
abizidezo vai s/he warms h/ (own) foot or feet
abizo vai s/he warms up at the fire or stove
abwezo vai s/he sweats
agwaabikizo vai s/he burns things to the pan
amadaakizo vai s/he wakes from heat or from burning
angwaakizo vai s/he burns, is burnt completely (so nothing is left)
ashkizo vai s/he is incompletely cooked
babiizigaakizo vai s/he curls h/ hair
bagwaakizo vai s/he has a hole burned in h/
bakaakizo vai s/he is parted by heat or fire
baapaasaabiganizo vai clay cracks or is cracked from heat
baasaabikizo vai it (animate; mineral or metal) cracks or is cracked (from heat)
baasizo vai s/he cracks, shatters (from heat)
baashkizo vai s/he explodes, blows up; s/he bursts from heat
bengozo vai s/he is cooked dry (without grease or water), is grilled
bengwadowezo vai its (animate) fur dries
bengwegizo vai it (animate, sheet-like) dries by heat or fire
biigozo vai s/he breaks by heat
bwaawaakizo vai s/he doesn't burn, is unable to burn
dagozo vai s/he is cooked with something else
danaakizo vai s/he burns in a certain place; s/he is photographed there
danizo vai s/he is cooked in a certain place
dawaakizo vai it (animate) has a passage burned through it
daadozo vai s/he splits open (from heat)
daashkaabikizo vai s/he splits in the heat (i.s.)
daashkaakizo vai s/he splits in the fire
gaapizo vai it (animate) is cooked or roasted dry and crisp, is parched
gibozo vai it (animate) cooks in the oven, bakes
ginibaakizo vai s/he burns quickly
ginibizo vai it (animate) cooks quickly
gipagizo vai s/he gets thick (by heat)
gizhaabikizo vai s/he (mineral/metal) heats up, is hot
gizhizo vai
  1. s/he is hot
  2. s/he has a fever
giiwashkweyaakizo vai s/he is dizzy from the heat
giizhizo vai s/he is cooked, is done cooking
giizizo vai s/he is cooked, is done cooking
gwiishkoshwewegamizo vai s/he whistles from boiling
inaakizo vai s/he burns a certain way
inizo vai s/he is cooked a certain way
iskigamizo vai s/he boils down
jaagaakizo vai s/he burns
jaagizo vai s/he burns
madwegamijiizo vai h/ stomach growls
madwegamizo vai s/he makes noise boiling
madweyaakizo vai s/he is heard burning, "you" can hear h/ burning
mazinaakizo vai s/he is pictured, is photographed
maadaakizo vai s/he starts burning
minozo vai s/he is well cooked
mitaabikizo vai s/he is cooked dry (without grease or water), is grilled
miiwaakizo vai s/he can't stand the heat
mookwaakizo vai s/he cry from being burned
nawadizo vai s/he catches fire
ningaabikizo vai s/he (mineral or metal) melts
ningizo vai s/he melts, thaws
niigozo vai s/he breaks by heat
nookaakizo vai s/he softens by heat or flame
nookizo vai s/he is cooked tender
odaapizo vai s/he shrinks (from heat)
ojibozo vai it (animate) shrivels from heat
ojibwaakizo vai s/he shrivels, puckers in the fire
onzaamaakizo vai s/he is burnt crisp
onzaamizo vai s/he is overcooked
ozaawaakizo vai s/he is toasted, is browned (by fire)
waabizo vai s/he turns light (in color)
waasaabikizo vai s/he shines, reflects (as something mineral)
waasindibezo vai he has a shiny bald head
waasizo vai s/he shines, glitters, reflects light
wiisagaakizo vai s/he hurts from being burnt
zakizo vai s/he catches fire; s/he has a fire at h/ place
zhaabwaakizo vai
  1. s/he gets x-rayed
  2. s/he is burned through
zhishigozo vai s/he is cooked mushy
zhiibaayaakizo vai s/he gets x-rayed
ziigigamizo vai it (animate, e.g. a kettle) boils over