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/-jii-/ medial

something soft and hollow like a bag or stomach, small round body, belly
something three-dimensional, something soft or hollow
andoojii' vta feel around for h/ using something
andoojii'an vti feel around for it using something
andoojiin vta [N] feel for, grope for h/
andoojiishkan vti [N] feel for it (with the foot or body)
andoojiishkaw vta [N] feel for h/ (with foot or body)
baapaazagojiizi vai s/he has scratches on h/ belly
baashkijiibidoon vti2 squash and burst i(some bag-like) t with hands
baashkijiibizh vta squash and burst h/ (something bag-like) with hands
baashkijiiganaam vta burst h/ stomach open by hitting, burst h/ (something bag-like) by hitting
baashkijiiganaandan vti burst it (something bag-like) by hitting
baashkijii' vta burst h/ open (using something)
baashkijii'an vti burst it open (using something)
baashkijiise vai s/he (something bag-like) bursts
baashkijiise vii it (something bag-like) bursts
baashkijiisidoon vti2 burst it (something bag-like) by dropping it or hitting it against something
baashkijiisin vii it falls and bursts, bursts on impact
baashkijiishim vta burst h/ (something bag-like) by dropping or hitting against
baashkijiishin vai s/he, it (animate) falls and bursts, bursts on impact; s/he has a blow-out
baashkijiishkan vti burst it (with foot or body)
baashkijiishkaw vta burst h/ (with foot or body)
bikojii vai s/he is paunchy, is pot-bellied
biskijiigaabawi vai s/he stands bent over at the waist
biigojiise vii it ruptures; it tears open
biigojiishkaa vai s/he bursts open
biigojiishkaa vii it bursts open
bookojiibidoon vti2 break, tear it (body or something bag-like) in two
bookojiibizh vta break, tear h/ (as a body or something bag-like) in two
dakojiiminagizi vai s/he is short and stubby, is a runt
daadojiide vii it bursts open (from heat)
ginagijiibizh vta tickle h/ (at the mid-section)
ginagijiin vta tickle h/ (at the mid-section)
madwegamijiizo vai h/ stomach growls
mangijiizi vai s/he is big-bellied
maagojiibidoon vti2 squeeze it (something soft and hollow or belly-like)
maagojiibizh vta squeeze h/ belly, squeeze h/ (something soft and hollow or belly-like)
mikoojii' vta find, discover, feel h/ using something
mikoojii'an vti find, discover, feel (the shape of) it using something
mikoojiin vta find, discover, feel h/ with the hand or fingers
mikoojiinan vti find, discover, feel it with the hand or fingers
mikoojiishkan vti find, discover it by feeling around with the foot or body
miishijiimin na a peach
nabagijiishin vai s/he has a flat tire
nandoojii' vta feel around for h/ using something
nandoojii'an vti feel around for it using something
nandoojiin vta feel for, grope for h/
nandoojiinan vti find, discover, feel it with the hand or fingers; grope for it
nandoojiishkan vti [S] feel for it (with the foot or body)
nandoojiishkaw vta [S] feel for h/ (with foot or body)
nookijiiyaa vii it (something bag-like, belly-like) is soft
nookijiizi vai s/he is soft-bellied; it (animate; something bag-like, belly-like) is soft
ombijiishkaa vai s/he is bloated
ombijiizan vti pop it (wild rice); make it rise with heat
ozhaawashkojiisag ni foxfire; (a piece of) rotten wood that glows at night
ozhaawishkojiisag ni [NI] foxfire; (a piece of) rotten wood that glows at night
waagijiiyaa vii it (something three-dimensional and soft) is bent
zinigojiibizh vta massage h/
zhiigoojiin vta deflate h/
zhiigoojiinan vti deflate it