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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-kaa/ final

it is present, is abundant
adikokaa vii there are (a lot of) caribou
adoopiikaa vii there are alders there
agigokaa vai s/he has a cold
akakanzhekaa vii there are (a lot of) coals
akiikaa vii there is (a lot of) dirt, earth, land
anangokaa vii there are (many) stars
animikiikaa vii there is thunder
aninaatigokaa vii there are (many) maples
anishinaabekaa vii
  1. there are (a lot of) Ojibwes
  2. there are (a lot of) Indians, Natives
  3. there are (a lot of) people, humans
aniibiminikaa vii there are (many) high-bush cranberries
aniibiishikaa vii there are (many) leaves
anokiiwinikaa vii there is (a lot of) work
asiniikaa vii there is (a lot of) rock or stone, there are (many) rocks or stones
asiniinsikaa vii there are (a lot of) small stones
ashkibagokaa vii there are (many) fresh green leaves
azhashkiikaa vii there is (a lot of) mud
aakoziwinikaa vii there is (a lot of) sickness
aamookaa vii there are (many) bees, wasps
aandegokaa vii there are (many) crows
bagesaanikaa vii there are (a lof of) plums
bapakinekaa vii there are (many) grasshoppers
baakwaanaatigokaa vii there is (a lot of) sumac
baawitigokaa vii there are (a lot of) rapids
bigoshensikaa vii there are (many) gnats
bingwiikaa vii there is (a lot of) sand, is (a lot of) ashes
bizhikiikaa vii there are (a lot of) cattle, cows, bison
biisaandago-zhingwaakokaa vii there are (many) white pines
giizhikikaa vii there are (a lot of) cedars
goonikaa vii there is (a lot of) snow
ininaatigokaa vii there are (many) maples
manidoonsikaa vii there are (a lot of) bugs
manidooshikaa vii there are (a lot of) bugs
manoominikaa vii there is (a lot of) wild rice
mashkiigokaa vii there are muskegs, it is marshy
mashkiigwaatigokaa vii there are (many) tamaracks
mazaanaatigokaa vii there are (a lot of) thistles, burrs, thorns
maananoonsikaa vii there are (many) ironwood trees
mikwamiikaa vii
  1. there (a lot of) ice
  2. it hails
minisaabikokaa vii there are (man)y reefs
miskominikaa vii there are (many) rasperries
miskwaawaakokaa vii there are (many) red cedars
mishiiminikaa vii there are (many) apples
mitaawangokaa vii [N] here is (a lot of) sand
mitigokaa vai there are (many) trees
mitigomizhikaa vii there are (many) oaks; there is an oak grove
miinikaa vii there are (many) blueberries
moosekaa vii there are (many) worms
namebinikaa vii there are (many) suckers
namegosikaa vii there are (many) lake trout
namekaa vii there are (many) sturgeon
nezaadiikaa vii it is a point of poplars
nibiikaa vii there is (a lot of) water
oginiikaa vii there are (many) roses, rosehips
opiniikaa vii there are (many) potatoes
oojiinsikaa vii there are (many) flies
waabaabiganikaa vii there is (a lot of) white clay
waabiganikaa vii there is (a lot of) clay; it has clay
waabigwaniikaa vii there are (many) flowers
waaboozokaa vai there are (a lot of) rabbits
wiigobaatigokaa vii there are (many) basswood trees
wiigobiikaa vii there are (a lot of) basswood trees
wiigwaasikaa vii there are (many) birches
zagaskwaajimekaa vii there are leeches
zagimekaa vii there are (many) mosquitoes
zhaaboominikaa vii there are (many) gooseberries
zhingobiikaa vii there are (many) fir trees
zhingwaakokaa vii there are (many) pines; it is a pine grove
ziibiikaa vii there are (many) rivers