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/maawandoo-/ initial

gather, assemble, together
maananoonsikaa vii there are (many) ironwood trees
maawandoobiwag vai they sit together
maawandoogindan vti total it up (as an account)
maawandoogindaaso vai s/he totals up (as an account)
maawandoogwaadan vti sew it together (e.g., pieces for a quilt)
maawandoogwaaso vai s/he sews together
maawandoogwaazh vta sew h/ together
maawandoonan vti bring them (inanimate) together
maawandoosidoon vti2 put them (inanimate) together, gather and put them (inanimate) together
maawandooshim vta put them (animate) together, gather and put them (animate) together