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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/madwe-/ initial

heard, audible
madwebatoo vai s/he is heard running
madwebide vii it is heard driving, is heard running or operating, is idling
madwebidoon vti2 make noise pulling or ripping it
madwebizh vta make noise pulling or ripping h/
madwebizo vai s/he is heard driving, is heard running or operating
madwebiisaa vii rain is audible, "you" can hear the rain
madwebiisaan vii rain is audible, "you" can hear the rain
madweboodoon vti2 be heard sawing or filing it
madwegamide vii it makes noise boiling
madwegamijiizo vai h/ stomach growls
madwegamisin vii it is heard falling in water
madwegamishin vai s/he is heard falling in water
madwegamizo vai s/he makes noise boiling
madwe' vta pound on, drum on h/
madwe'an vti drum on it
madwejiwan vii it is heard flowing
madwekamigishin vai s/he is heard falling on the ground
madwekamigishkige vai s/he is heard walking on or stamping the ground
madwekwadin vii the ice is heard cracking from the cold
madwem vta chew h/ audibly
madwenaamo vai [BL] s/he is heard breathing, snorts, huffs and puffs
madwendan vti chew it audibly
madwengwaam vai [ML] s/he snores, makes noise in h/ sleep
madwengwaami vai [N] s/he snores, makes noise in h/ sleep
madwengwaamo vai [BL] s/he snores, makes noise in h/ sleep
madwesagibatoo vai s/he is heard running on the floor
madwesagishimo vai s/he is tap-dancing, is heard dancing on the floor
madwesagishin vai s/he is heard walking or falling on the floor
madwesidoon vti2 make it sound by dropping or hitting it, ring it
madwesin vii it makes noise dropping or hitting something, rings
madweshim vta make h/ sound by dropping or hitting h/, ring h/
madweshin vai s/he makes noise dropping or hiting, rings
madwetaa vai s/he is heard in an activity
madwewe vii it makes noise, resounds, reverberates
madwewe'o vai he (partridge) drums
madweyaabideshin vai h/ teeth chatter
madweyaabikise vii it (something mineral or metal) clinks, clangs, rattles, rings
madweyaabikise vai s/he (something mineral or metal) clinks, clangs, rattles, rings
madweyaabikisin vii it is heard hitting (as or on rock or metal), clangs, rings
madweyaabikishin vai s/he is heard hitting (as or on rock or metal), clangs, rings
madweyaabiigibidoon vti2 strum, play it (a guitar)
madweyaadagaa vai s/he is heard swimming
madweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading, "you" can hear h/ wading
madweyaadage vai [BL] s/he is heard swimming
madweyaagone vai s/he is heard going through the snow, "you" can hear h/ going through the snow
madweyaajiwande vii it is heard boiling
madweyaajiwanzo vai s/he (a kettle) is heard boiling
madweyaakide vii it is heard burning, "you" can hear it burning
madweyaakizo vai s/he is heard burning, "you" can hear h/ burning
madweyaakwadin vii it (something stick-like) is heard cracking in the cold
madweyaakwaji vai s/he is heard cracking from the cold, e.g. a tree, ice
madweyaanimad vii it is audible wind, "you" can hear the wind
madweyaasin vii it is heard blowing in the wind
madweyaashi vai s/he is heard blowing in the wind, is heard sailing, is heard soring
madweyaashkaa vii waves can be heard, "you" can hear the waves
madwezan vti blast it
madwezhaazo vai s/he can be heard urinating
madwezige vai s/he is heard firing
madwezigoshkaa vii ice moves making noise
madwezigwadin vii the sound of ice cracking is heard