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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/mang-/ initial

mangadeyaa vii it is wide
mangadinaa vii there is a big hill
mangashkigaa vii it is a big muskeg
mangashkiigaa vii it is a big muskeg
mangate vii it is roomy
mangaabide vai s/he has big teeth
mangi- pv lex big
mangibii'an vti write it big, draw it big
mangidaamikane vai s/he has a big chin or jaw
mangide'e vai s/he is courageous
mangidiye vai s/he has a big rear
mangidoon vai [S] s/he has a big mouth
mangidoone vai s/he has a big mouth
mangigamaa vii it is a big lake
mangigaade vai s/he has a big leg or big legs
mangi' vta make h/ big, enlarge h/
mangijaane vai s/he has big nose
mangijiizi vai s/he is big-bellied
mangikoozhe vai s/he has a big bill
mangiminagad vii it (something globular) is big
mangimisade vai s/he has a big belly
manginawe vai s/he has a big cheek or big cheeks
manginaagozi vai s/he looks big
manginaagwad vii it looks big
mangindibe vai s/he has a big head
mangininjii vai s/he has a big hand or big hands
mangishkiinzhigwe vai s/he has a big eye or big eyes
mangishtigwaane vai s/he has a big head
mangitigwaane vai [BL] s/he has a big head
mangitigweyaa vii it (a river) is wide
mangitoon vti2 make it big, enlarge it
mangiwane vai s/he carries a big pack
mangizide vai s/he has a big foot or big feet
mangoonagad vii it (a boat) is big
mangwewebizo vai s/he drives a loud car