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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/mazin-/ initial

fancy, figured, image
mazina'an vti buy it on credit, charge it to an account
mazinaabikiwebinan vti type it
mazinaakide vii it is pictured, is photographed
mazinaakiz vta take a picture of, photograph h/
mazinaakizan vti take a picture of, photograph it
mazinaakizo vai s/he is pictured, is photographed
mazinaanakwad vii it is fancy cloud
mazinaanakwagoode vii it (cloud) forms an image
mazinaande vii it has a multicolored design, has a colorful pattern
mazinaanzo vai s/he has a muticolored design, has a colorful pattern
mazinaate vii it is projected
mazinaatebiigisin vii it is reflected in the water
mazinaatebiigishin vai s/he is reflected in the water
mazinaatebiisin vii it is reflected in the water
mazinaateshin vai s/he casts a shadow; s/he is on television; s/he is in a movie
mazinibii' vta draw h/
mazinibii'an vti draw it
mazinigwaadan vti embroider, bead it
mazinigwaade vii it is sewn with designs, is embroidered
mazinigwaaso vai s/he embroiders, beads something
mazinigwaazh vta embroider, bead h/
mazinigwaazo vai s/he is sewn with designs, is embroidered
mazini' vta make a representation or image of h/
mazinikodan vti carve it in designs, sculpt it (by carving)
mazinisin vii it is imprinted, has a pattern or design
mazinishin vai s/he is imprinted, has a pattern or design
mazinitoon vti make a representation or image of it; decorate it